Get Fit With Your Fiancé: Week 5

Over halfway there! Congrats on all the amazing work so far. Here's a little recap on how this all works along with the routine for week 5 below! (If you're new, head over here to start from the beginning).
We've partnered up with the lovely personal trainers at WeGym to bring you 8 weeks of fitness routines you can do with your fiancé to ensure you feel your very best on your wedding day. It's the perfect way to have fun with fitness, keep motivated and spend some quality time together pre-wedding.
Here's how it works:
The whole thing should only take half an hour out of your day and we recommend doing the routine three times a week. Each week for the next 8 weeks we'll be giving you a fresh and exciting new routine to work on.
All you need is you, your partner, some tunes and a little bit of space in your home. If you don't have enough room, why not try the local park like us?
Prepare to giggle, have fun and start to collectively feel A-MAZING and pumped for your big day.
Week 5 Routine
Warm Up Exercise: Star Jumps
Get warmed up with 12 reps of star jumps.
Exercise 1: Partner Commandoes
Start in a plank position on your forearms. Push up on your left hand so that your arm is straight and repeat on the other side so you have both arms on the floor ensuring your back is straight at all times. Come back down onto your forearms again one side at a time. Repeat for 12 reps.
Exercise 2: Sit Up & Punch
Facing each other in a sit up position, simultaneously do push ups. As you raise your upper body to your knees, one of you does two punches into the other partners hands. Alternate who does this with each rep. Do 12 reps of this exercise.
Exercise 3: Roundhouse Kicks
Facing one another, take it in turns for one of you to carefully kick and the other to duck simultaneously. Repeat for 12 reps.
Exercise 4: Squats & Plank
With one of you holding the plank position, the other jumps over them into a squat position either side. Alternate your positions with each set. You'll need to do 12 reps of this exercise.
Remember to add this page to your favourites to refer to throughout the week! If you want to take a look at previous weeks, you can see them here: week 1 | week 2 | week 3 | week 4