Planning 101 18th October 2022

Wedding Guide 101: How To Change Your Name After Marriage

In the UK, people 16 years old and older can use any name they want to be known by. However, if you want to change your name and update all your records, you must present official documentation of the name change. After getting married, changing your name can seem very difficult. Not to mention, it's also fairly pricey and tiresome. 

It’s common to forget important documents or miss a few steps. While it might not have a serious impact on the result, the duration of the process would certainly be prolonged. Here is a checklist for your reference to aid you in this process. 

Is Changing Your Name Mandatory?

After forming a civil partnership, neither partner is legally required to change their last name. Whether you choose to keep your maiden name or change it is entirely up to you. You have the option to:

- Keep using your own last name

- One partner may adopt the surname of the other partner 

- Both partners may double-barrel their surnames or choose a new surname entirely.

Changing Names After Marriage:

You must fill out the appropriate forms requesting the change and produce your marriage certificate to have your surname changed on your passport or driver's licence. Your marriage certificate will also be accepted as proof by financial institutions like banks and building societies.

This isn't necessarily the case if you're a married man taking your wife's last name or if your last names are double-barreled or blended. If any of these circumstances apply, changing your name by deed poll is best for you.

The Procedure:

There are several pieces of paperwork require before changing your name after marriage. These include:

Marriage Certificate: Your marriage licence is first and foremost required. The registry office in the district where your wedding was held is where you can order a government-issued marriage certificate. Religious credentials are frequently not recognised. Once you obtain your certificate, make the necessary arrangements to update your photo ID first.

HM Revenue And Customs: Notify HM Revenue and Customs next. You can update your information on their website. A form needs to be filled out, and you will have to enter a lot of personal data.

Other Organisations: Several private organisations will need to be notified after HM Revenue and Customs and your photo ID have been updated. Each company establishes its name-change policy.

Changing Name Through Deed Poll:

A "change of name deed poll" is a document that includes the three statements listed below:

- I am abandoning my previous name.

- I will use my new name at all times.

- I require all persons to address me by my new name only.

Both your old and new names must be used to sign and date this statement. Your new name must be pronounceable, have a forename and a surname, and adhere to any reasonable constraints outlined by the Home Office. Two witnesses not related to you must also sign your deed poll and provide their names, occupations, and addresses.

Deadline To Changing Name:

Similar to how you are under no obligation to change your name, you are free to make changes whenever you like. But make an effort to finish all of your papers within a few days. Prolonging it can cause problems when travelling abroad.

Final Thoughts:

A person's legal right to select their name is unaffected by marriage or being married. In addition, changing your name after marriage is not subject to formal legal procedures. You can immediately start using your new name. However, you'll have to provide marriage documentation while changing your name with some organisations.



