Planning 101 3rd January 2014

The Spotlight is on You!

Your bride speech checklist

As the bride, to give a speech at your wedding is not always expected, but your guests will certainly appreciate it. Some brides are so overjoyed with the events of the day and the culmination of all their planning that they welcome the opportunity to speak to the collective group of friends and family who have been invited. However, for others, speaking in front of a room filled with not just your family and friends, but people you may be meeting for the first time, can sometimes be a little overwhelming.

However, if you are going to summon up all your courage to speak, here are a few tips for giving a speech:

Write It Down

You will undoubtedly have so many emotions and thoughts constraining your mind on your wedding day; the last thing you need is to add to the stress and pressure by having to memorizing a speech. Maybe, a few weeks before the wedding, start to jot down things you want to say and people you want to thank. As the wedding gets closer, sit down and write out your speech, which should be just a few minutes in length. Make bullet points on a note card to act as an aide-memoire so that you don’t forget anyone or anything.

Thank You

Firstly, you should express your thanks and appreciation to all of the people who have taken time to come and celebrate with you. It is usual to thank your parents for their love, support, and, if appropriate, the funding of your wedding and to follow up by doing the same for your spouse’s parents. Express your gratitude to all your bridal party for helping you plan and organise your big day and for their help in getting you to the church on time! You don’t have to thank them individually in your speech but you can arrange a small gift for each together with your personalised thanks. Do, however, thank anyone who has gone above and beyond the norm or helped out in a ‘wedding emergency’.

Tell the Story

By the time you get up to speak, someone has probably told the story of how you and your spouse met. Instead of rehashing the story, speak from a personal point of view saying what your feelings were on your first date; when you knew you wanted to marry him, and even something about the engagement - especially if it was a particularly amusing story.

Acknowledge Your Spouse

Face your ‘man’ and reiterate your love, happiness, and how much you look forward to building the rest of your lives together. Not only is this a great photo opportunity, it’s important to remember that in a little while, the guests will go and he will be your future life partner.


The tone of your speech is completely up to you - speak from your heart. If it comes naturally to you to be jovial and funny, maintain that tone. However, if you are a more serious, religious, or sentimental person, allow your speech to match your personality. It is your day and your moment to speak. Take your time and don’t worry if you get overcome with emotion, since everyone there will understand.

Take in and enjoy all the special moments, as they will go by in a blink of an eye.