Supplier Spotlight: The Flower Fashion

Wedding Wednesday has snook round on us again, it has such a habit of doing that?! This week we have the pleasure of featuring the Russian talent on the British floristry scene, the lovely Natasha from The Flower Fashion. The Flower Fashion is a highly creative, design focused florist who consistently wow their clients throughout London and beyond. If you'd like to get in touch to chat to Natasha about your day you can do so here.
Introduce yourself, and your business.
My name is Natasha, I'm professional senior florist. I've lived in London for the last 5 years, where I moved from Moscow, where I was managing floral boutique named Creative House. I'm passionate about what I do, I'm a perfectionist, I'm fast, clear in my vision, equipped to my stuff and I'm very ambitious.

Why did you start your business? And how long has it been going?
It started in 2005, from a very simple floristry course. We were learning basics, rules, tools etc. After that course I understood that I want to know more! I'm learning since :)
The Flower Fashion is an entirely British project. Before it was other projects/shops/show rooms in different countries adapted to their lifestyle and clientele.

What is your greatest achievement to date?
I'm working on it now! It will be a session of four chapters: four different wedding stories, four different stunning designs - named FW 2015 Bridal Stories. First one is already out, named Vol.1Lilac Love – full album on our FB page.

What makes you stand out from other florists?
Im not afraid to be ‘out of style’. I don’t have a must. I follow my Customer’s wish and just add my soul in it!!!

How do your friends describe you?
I don’t know, best would be to ask one of them ;)
In your opinion, what makes a truly stand-out wedding?
In my opinion/taste an out-standing wedding is when the event has a theme. No matter if it is rustic, romantic or classic wedding. As long as it has one line from bridal bouquet to the smallest detail like name cards. And of course a stand-out wedding is a great spirited couple! No matter what.

From your industry experience, what’s your top tip for couples?
I’ll repeat myself and it might sound trivial but a great mood it is a top tip for a wedding. If you're not happy on your biggest day – anything can ruin your wedding. From a not pink enough rose in your bouquet to buckets of rain!
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
The future will show itself :)
What is it you enjoy most about your job?
I don’t see it as a job, I see it as a life style. “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” Confucius