Alternative Wedding Venues in Argyll
With so many fantastic options for wedding venues in Argyll, it can be very difficult to choose the right one for you. Fortunately there are a few gems that really stand out from the crowd on We've curated them all in one place for you to browse through at your leisure. From boats to old mills, breweries and some rather quirky museums! Check out our selection in Argyll below.
If you would like any other supplier recommendations or suggestions for Argyll, please do get in touch with one of our team. We also recommend you take a look at our inspiration post on 13 Wonderfully Alternative Wedding Venues
The Lodge on Loch Goil L...
Argyll | 60 capacity
Scotland’s Most Stylish Hotel This Victorian country house specialises i...
Lodge on Loch Lomond
Argyll | 180 capacity
Scotland's most romantic setting where the beautiful blue waters of Loch Lo...
Hotel du Vin - One Devon...
Argyll | 80 capacity
One of Scotland’s most stylish & romantic wedding venues, we are a five s...
Station Hotel
Aberdeen & Deeside | 250 capacity
Our luxurious historic Perth wedding venue features both indoor and outdoor...