Why Choose A Wedding Celebrant?

What is a wedding celebrant? Why would we have one? Do they do the same job as a registrar? Today on the blog we welcome the ever so wonderful Jennifer, a wedding celebrant from Tailor Made Ceremonies, to explain all (and TOTALLY convince us that using a celebrant is the way to go!). Over to you, Jen...Gone are the days of one-size fits all, and simply top hat and tails. Weddings have become more about personal choice, and truly inspired by the couple and their life together. Be it a vintage tipi theme, or a camping weekender, each couple look to make their day personal and meaningful, and just really about them. With so much choice out there now to personalize your day, have you thought about how you’d like to personalize your ceremony?
The legal bit
To be legally married in the UK, you must sign the marriage license in front of an authorized person, a Registrar or Priest for example, however you don’t legally have to have your Wedding Ceremony performed by them – exchange of rings and vows are purely ceremonial and not a legal requirement. Often services led by a Registrar are less than personal and are restricted by content. You have to tick boxes to choose set commitments and your ceremony may not include anything that’s related to religion, or information about your journey to your big day (unless you’re really lucky!). You may not meet the person marrying you before the service either, it’s usually pretty quick and will need to be set into a set time, and not be late (no bride prerogative allowed)! You now have an alternative to this structure. A Wedding led by a Wedding Celebrant. Celebrants offer you the chance to have your ceremony, your way. Exactly how you’d like it. Personal, about you, to your timing and your choice of location. No longer are you restricted by choice of ceremony! Hooray! [caption id="attachment_2585" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Jennifer from Tailor Made Ceremonies performing an outdoor ceremony[/caption] Location, Location, Location
This is one of my favourite parts about being a Celebrant. Telling couples they don’t have to stick with licensed venues. Weddings officiated by a Celebrant can be performed in licensed and unlicensed venues! As the legal part is done separately to your ceremony, you can choose where you’d like to take your nuptials. Be it in a field in the middle of the Cotswolds, in a converted barn, at home, or on the beach in Devon, you have the freedom to decide and choose somewhere that’s meaningful to you. No restrictions on location!
Tell YOUR story
No two relationships are the same, every couple’s journey of love is unique and special. Everything you’ve ever dreamt your wedding to be, a wedding celebrant can make this a reality. Tradition is what you’re making with your partner. You’re coming from different worlds, different beliefs, and different paths, but when you met, you started your story. Your wedding is a celebration of your journey thus far, as well as, your continuing adventure in life together. Your ceremony becomes more than just a date and a booking. With a Wedding Celebrant, it all starts by exploring your requirements, your wishes and having the chance to truly reflect on why you want to get married. Your Wedding Celebrant will meet with you, then write a ceremony for you. Personal and tailored to you. It will be beautifully constructed, as traditional or non traditional as you wish and with added personality. So if you wanted a ceremony that reflected your humour with stories of your crazy adventures together, no problem. If you wanted a ceremony that added quotes, readings and poems that combine your backgrounds and heritage, or even passages in another language for example, no problem. It’s your ceremony and it will be written to truly declare your personal love.
The Personal Touch
Ever thought about adding it something unique, how about a hand fasting or sand ceremony? Your Celebrant will explore even more ways of making your service personal to you as a couple. It’s truly an exciting time! A Wedding Celebrant gives you the freedom of choice. Choice of location, choice of time and choice of words. No longer do you need to be restricted to a set framework. You can have a ceremony that is created together by you and your Celebrant to reflect your personal beliefs and lifestyle.
How to find a Wedding Celebrant
Google is your best friend. There are Wedding Celebrants across the country now, or alternatively check out the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants with lists of all fully trained celebrant members too in your area.
Top tips:
1. Meet your Celebrant face to face or at least on Skype if possible. Seeing each other will really help create a more personal service, and you’ll know who to expect on the day! You can also hear their voice and check they are what you are looking for.
2. Book your registry office in advance and ask for the most basic service. You will need two witnesses, but go casual. This is just the legal bit. This isn’t where you are declaring your love and exchanging vows in front of the most important people in your life.
3. Get romantic. Be as romantic or as cynical as you like! It’s your ceremony so treat this part as an expression of your personality.
4. Finally, enjoy it! If you choose to have a Wedding Celebrant, you are not choosing a standard service. You are choosing to have something that is tailored to you, so make it personal and get excited to show off your ceremony on the big day!
Written by Jennifer, a professional Wedding Celebrant from Tailor Made Ceremonies. Tailor Made Ceremonies specialises in creating and officiating personalised ceremonies for couples. Let your ceremony by truly Tailor Made. Have it your way!