The Wedding Morning & Bridal Preparations

Allow plenty of time to put your dress on. It will take you longer than it takes the lady in the bridal shop. Find out what time your photographer is planning to leave for the ceremony and try to be ready about half an hour before she is planning to leave. This will allow for any slight delays and ensure you have time when you are completely ready to be photographed and of course to capture the gorgeous moment when your dad sees you in your dress for the first time. Sometimes things run so late that the photographer has to leave before you’re ready and it’s a shame not to be able to record those beautiful moments. It’s worth talking this through with your hair and make-up artists before the day too so they know what time you need to be ready to get dressed and they can then plan that into their timings.

Communication is really helpful so that everyone knows what to work towards and it most definitely minimises stress.