Planning 101
29th July 2015
How To Nail Your Wedding Photos In 5 Easy Steps

Kate Murrell Photography
Does the idea of having a camera lens all up in your grill for a WHOLE day petrify you? Are you the kind of person who always offers to take the photo of your group of friends rather than be in yourself? Do you fear the awkward, 'What do I do with my hands? What do I usually do with my hands??' when striking a pose? You, my friend, are not alone. In fact, knowing what to do and how to look good in your photos is many people's number one concern about their wedding day. Now, let's not pretend that by following a set of instructions you're suddenly going to have supermodel-esque photogenic qualities, but with a little bit of advice up your sleeve there are certainly ways you can learn to relax and get the best out of your photos and not look like a stiff board on the day. Here are our top tips:

Lynsey Grace Photography
1. Pick the right photographer A photographer who specialises in super impressive artistic shots probably isn't the right choice for a camera shy couple. You need someone who's style is more informal, relaxed, candid shots. Luckily this style is super hot right now, so you have plenty of choice. The other thing to consider is personality. You really do need to feel relaxed and at ease with your photographer so it's a good idea to meet them in person if possible to see if you click.
2. Practice makes perfect If possible, try and have an engagement/pre-wedding shoot with your photographer. This will give you a bit of time to get to know them and also to pop your 'being professionally photographed' cherry. By the end of the shoot you'll feel way more comfortable in front of the camera, and the photographer will learn how to interact with you and your S.O to really get the best of you on camera. Have a bad side you hate being photographed? Terrible at staged kisses? This is the time to find out what works for you so you don't waste loads of time and shots on your wedding day!

Carla Thomas Photography
3. You do you Want those effortlessly loved up couple photos you see on all the wedding blogs? The trick is to be yourself. Think about how you and your other half usually interact and touch each other. What's your go-to cuddle stance? Are you touchy feely or not really? If you're more the play tricks on each and giggle type of couple than the passionate embrace kind, you'll feel more natural doing that in your photos.
4. Right place, right time In order to be fully relaxed and enjoy your wedding portraits session it's a good idea to sneak away to a secluded spot away from the other guests and wedding party. If everyone is in the vicinity they'll undoubtedly watch you, and you'll feel like a performing monkey. Secondly, make sure you alocate enough time to the proceedings. You don't want to feel rushed or panicked about getting to dinner before the bell goes. A great time to do a half hour portrait sesh, depending on the timings of your wedding breakfast is between courses, or whilst everyone is having dessert/coffee. At this time of day you're more likely to catch the 'golden hour' a magical time when the light is soft and you'll look all glowy and dreamy. You'll also have had a couple of glasses of vino so be way more up for it!

5. Work your angles 'Knowing your angles' seems like an alien concept to most people, something reserved for models and celebrities. Alas, it needn't be so hard. Work out what your best features are, and the ones you'd rather disguise. Worried about a double chin? Raise your chin slightly towards the camera and push your shoulders down. Chubby arm probs? Do the teapot pose to keep your upper arm away from your body. There is absolutely a reason why most celebrities adopt a very similar red carpet pose (weight on the back leg, 45 degree angle from the carmera and hand on hip) so give that one a whirl in the mirror to see how it can work for you.