10 Expert Tips For Planning A Hen Do

FAO: Chief Bridesmaid/Hen Do Planner!
So, you’ve been given the tough task of planning a hen do, where to begin?! Whether you’re a bride who can’t quite relinquish control, or you’re the bridesmaid who’s been dealt the daunting task, these expert tips should give you a little help!
1. Set The Date
You need to leave enough time between the hen-do and the wedding to allow for last minute wedmin and wedding day beautification to take place. You also want to avoid any major events or birthdays already in the calendar. If you’re planning a mini break, you probably also need to consider school holidays (whether you need to work with them or around them) and cheaper times of year to travel.
2. Guest list
Even if your hen do is going to be a total surprise for the bride, this is one element you need to work together on. Once you have an idea of numbers, you’ll be able to establish the best plan for the day and get the best idea of cost. Which leads us on to number 3….
3. Budget
It’s common practice these days that all your little chicks will contribute the hen do and pay their own way. The very least you can do then, is keep a handle on the costs and make sure you all get the most for your money. Now you know the size of the guestlist, you can set about hunting group deals, group accommodation costs and planning logistics.
4. Communication
Many a hen do has descended to chaos due to lack of communication between organisers and invitees. Make sure you keep everybody in the loop as plans evolve with regular email updates or a private facebook group. If you want to keep the whole shebang a surprise for the bride email out a schedule explaining what time people need to be places, and a vague idea of what will be involved and what people may need to bring along. Make sure that everyone has everyones mobile numbers too, in case of emergency.
5. Too Many Cooks...
Planning a day/weekend for a whole group of women can be a daunting task, and it’s certainly very difficult to cater for everybody's wants and desires. That being said, be wary of opening the floor for everyones suggestions and thoughts on your plans. This can be a touch overwhelming and leave you having to turn down peoples ideas and causing offense. Stick to your guns with your plans, and keep what the bride would enjoy the most at the forefront of your mind.
6. Keep It Simple
It’s really tempting to go overboard on the organised fun front, especially when you’re a BIG fan of organised fun like I am… However, you need to try and keep the plan as simple as possible, just go with the flow! Have a couple of big things planned for the day, i.e spa afternoon followed by cocktails, but then let the day run it’s course. It’s always a good idea to have a few hen specific activities up your sleeve (maybe a cheeky quiz about the bride, or a scavenger hunt can be fun!) but keep the planned activities to a select few to allow everyone time to chat and mingle.
7. Steady On The Cocktails
Sure, you may well want to have a few (*a lot of*) drinks, and that’s great, but make sure everyone stays hydrated and well fed if you’re in for a long sesh. Also, everyone has that one friend who just can’t handle their drink, and the last thing you want is one drunken mess spoiling everyone elses night, if that’s usually you, take it steady!
8. Document It!
If you’re not a dab hand with a camera, appoint a few people to document the occasion and then put together a scrapbook for the bride. This shouldn’t be too hard since everyone instagrams EVERYTHING these days (guilty..) but it will be nice to have photos printed in hard copy as a gift to the bride.
9. Steady On The Tack
If you’re reading this blog you must have good taste (obvs) so chances are you’re not intending on too many phallic straws, L-plates and deely boppers. Naturally, having a little bit of something to make the hen stand out is fun, but PLEASE no neon tutus. We LOVED what Lauren Conrad did with a big bridal bow for her ‘bachelorette’ party, a classy alternative to a tacky hen do veil.
Planning this kind of thing is stressful, we know. So don’t try to micromanage every aspect of the day or days. Get all the big things planned in advance, reservations, taxis, a couple of games up your sleeve, then just let everyone get on with it. HAVE FUN!