World of Wedmin Starts Crowdfunding: We Need YOU!

Breaking News: World of Wedmin is LIVE on SEEDRS!
Click here to view our campaign!
Well, we're truly kicking 2015 off with a BANG! It's all hussle and buslte down here at WoW HQ as we launch into the quite frankly rather dauting world of crowdfunding!
Our little team here at WoW has worked tirelessly over the past year to bring you the awesome wedding planning website you see today. We've tried to build a platform which is not only super useful and efficient for all you lovely couples getting married, but that's also the best, most cost effective and most transparent place for wedding suppliers to advertise.
As many of you know, we're a small, young team here at WoW and for World of Wedmin to really reach it's potentail we're going to need your help! We have some HUGE ideas (like, really really big) and are now looking of ways to fund them. Since this is a website built for users, who better to turn to at our time of need than the users themselves? We're talking about you, the 'crowd' and how we're embarking on our 'crowdfunding' journey!
But what actually is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding seems to be a bit of buzz word floating around the media lately, but what actually is it?
Well, crowdfunding is aimed at helping startup businesses, fledgling ideas, projects and causes raise the money they need to get off the ground.
They do this by appealing to those around the internet who they think will appreciate the idea, see it’s potential for growth or just want to help out. These people are known as the ‘crowd’.
There are various types of crowdfunding platform, all with slightly differing models. The platform that World of Wedmin has chosen to work with is an equity based platform called Seedrs, meaning that our crowd can invest money in return for a share in our company.

How could Crowdfunding work for me?
Well, what happens is, we set our target for investment, £100K, and then spread the message far and wide to anyone and everyone who may be interested in joining our journey.
If you love the idea (which we think you will) you join up to Seedrs as an investor (which is really quick and easy) and pledge a certain amount towards our campaign. This can be anything from £10 to £100k, in return for a proportionate share in World of Wedmin.
You then become an ‘investor’ (yippee!) and will receive regular updates as to how the campaign is going and what happens at the end of it.
In the event of our campaign being unsuccessful and our target is not achieved, your pledged amount will not be taken; it’s all or nothing for us!
If everything does work out and our campaign is successful, your investment will be covered in the EIS government scheme meaning you can claim back large amounts of your money in income tax relief. Read more on that here.
Can I still help out if I don't want to invest?
Of course!
It’s quite simple really, the success of any crowdfunding campaign lies in reaching the crowd! That means that we need as many of you as possible to share our message, our campaign profile and website to as many of your friends and network as possible!

What impact will all this investment have?
- A new website with exciting new features, putting us at the top of the wedmin game
- A full time tech wiz to make our dreams come true
- MEGA advertising plans so the whole world knows who we are
- Sponsorship of major wedding events, putting WoW at the forefront of the industry.
- We’re looking to become the pioneers of the tech-led wedding industry: apps, online fairs, white-labeled technologies and much more.
- With your help and our imagination, the sky’s the limit for WoW!
Where can I find out more?
Head over to our campaign page to read lots more about the business plans and to find out how you can become an investor in return for shares in the company.
No matter how big or small a contribution you're able to make, be it a simple share of the campaign link on Facebook, or a generous investment, we'll be forever grateful and forever in your debt.
We believe in World of Wedmin, and we hope you do too!