Planning 101 31st January 2019

Wedding Anniversary Celebration Ideas

Wedding Anniversary Celebration Ideas

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A wedding anniversary is not just another day for wife and husband. This is a significant day for them to celebrate the most momentous event of their lives. This day reminds the couple of the day they signed up to be together forever. It can be tricky coming up with ideas to give your wedding anniversary the romance, fun and joy that it deserves. We hope you are inspired by our list of ideas to make your anniversary even more memorable. 

Out of Town/Country


Married life is never easy. Couples today have their work or business empires to run and perhaps a busy family life to manage. Your quality time together can dwindle, compared to the early years of your relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend. Taking a good holiday as your wedding anniversary celebration will be a good escape from your busy worlds. An out-of-town or country trip will give you more quality alone time with each other. It can also be your honeymoon part 2! You can visit your favourite country or city with nice beaches and have a dinner by the bay. Pamper yourselves with a nice hot spring in a serene, peaceful, mountainous place with picturesque views. Many great and affordable hotels and resorts all over the world offer wedding anniversary deals that are not too pricey and very affordable.

Relive your First


There is always the first time for everything, and more often than not, most couples remember their first experiences with each other. Revisit these together by reliving your first memories. It can be your first official date, first kiss location, first trip and many more. Relive the things that you made together and celebrate these special events that made both of you fall in love in the first place. Remembering these events will give you those same feelings that you felt the first time you both saw each other and began your life-long journey together.  

Renew your Wedding Vows


Nowadays, most couples celebrate the renewal of their vows to honour their wedding anniversary. Before, this celebration only happened when the couple reached their silver or golden anniversary, that will be 25 and 50 years together respectively. But, hey, if you are keen to renew your vows of love to your husband or wife at your third or fourth anniversary, no one is stopping you. If both of you want to reconnect with your partner in the most meaningful way you could possibly manage, this anniversary idea is the best. Relive the moments of your wedding day once again. You can remake your big day and invite the people who guided and helped you to be a stronger couple and partners for life. And, if you would like to have another theme for this special day, why not? It is, after all, another important ceremony in your lives. So, feel free to make the celebration as bold as you would like!   

Give Back


You can celebrate this momentous event in your lives in many exciting and fun ways. If you are looking for something new, after spending years of anniversary celebrations involving just the two of you, you can choose to take part in an activity that involves others. It can still be meaningful and memorable, whilst standing out from your usual type of anniversary celebration. Giving back to the community is one great method of adding to your special moments together. You can take part in an activity and/or sports programme in an orphanage that shelters kids, for example. On the other hand, you can visit a hospice with elderly people and spend time with them, perhaps inviting a comedian to make everyone laugh their hearts out. These activities will make your hearts happy and grateful. After all, these are the philanthropic acts that humanity needs today. You are not just sharing a milestone in your lives as husband and wife, but you are also touching other people’s lives. Way to go, beautiful souls!

 Spend with Your Family and Friends

This idea of a wedding anniversary celebration could never be missed out on our list. We know that in these busy times, a family and friends gathering is a challenge for everyone. Making an appointment with them can really be tough. But, do not be discouraged! Plan and schedule with them ahead of your anniversary date and surely, they will make time to celebrate with you. You can invite people that you love the most and want to spend time with on this day. A simple dinner and wine will be perfect, or if you want some extra fun, you can have a barbecue with everyone you love.

 Just Be Together


There are many possible ways to celebrate your wedding anniversary. These are just a few of them. Regardless of whatever idea you are planning to make, the most important thing to do is spend quality time together. Whether it’s on a romantic 5-star hotel-dining trip, a special movie date night, or a breakfast in bed (perhaps in your home), just make sure you are happily celebrating and ready to face another day, year, and forever together.