To gift-list or not to gift-list? That is the question. Especially if, like so many couples these days, you've been living together for quite some time now, or even own a home together already. Chances are you have cupboards full of pots and pans, and a lovely fluffy set of guest towels in the bathroom. If you've decided a traditional gift-list is not for you and that you have no need for material things or donations to a honeymoon, then how about using the generosity of your guests to help those less fortunate?
According to First Direct, the average spend on a wedding gift in the UK amounts to £51, and an average wedding hosts 96 people. That's a potentail gift value of £4,896 per wedding! Imagine the difference you could make to a charity with THAT amount of money!
There are SO many worthy causes out there which would all benefit greatly from your support, but what better way to honour your marriage than by putting a stop to an unhappy and unjust one elsewhere. For some time now, World of Wedmin has been supporting the global partnership Girls Not Brides, a collection of organisations and charities all with the common goal of eradicating child marriage across the world.
You can read about Girls Not Brides here.
SO, instead of having a gift list for your wedding, why not request donations to one of the following Girls Not Brides member projects?
These are just a couple we've picked out, you can find more ways to get involved here...
Empowerment of 5000 Adolescent Girls In India
The project will establish 10 Girls Resource Centers to provide information, counselling and support to 5000 of the most disadvantaged adolescent girls in terms of school dropouts, poverty in slums of Lucknow in India. These centers will equip them with learning platforms, knowledge, life skills, abilities, healthy behavioral practices and build links with basic services leading to their development. These trained girls will also act as social change agents at a community level to change mindsets.
Learn more here...
Delay Marriage, Promote Schooling For Ugandan Girls
Eradicate the harmful practice of child marriage through raising awareness, changing behaviour and empowering communities with the knowledge and tools needed to resist child marriage. Promote the effective implementation of strong laws and policies with a bearing on children especially the girl child and promote the fulfilment of their human rights. Develop and implement human developmental activities such as capacity building and entrepreneurial programs that would mitigate the effects.
Learn more here...