Save The Date Podcast: Meet Aleisha

A few weeks ago I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Aleisha from Save The Date podcast. We sipped coffee, chatted weddings, put the world to rights and laughed - a lot! Here she is to give you the low down on life as Aleisha, and what the podcast business is all about...
Introduce yourself and tell us a bit about you...
I’m Aleisha. I’m an Australian comedian and author living in London. I’m a professional big mouth, opinion giver and host of The Save The Date Wedding Podcast…I’m also a recovering Nutella addict.
So what's this Save The Date Wedding Podcast thing all about then?
After my husband Rich and I got hitched, I wrote a wedding planning book, The Guide to Getting Hitched. It’s a practical, candid no B/S guide to planning a wedding without losing your marbles. I’m an avid podcast listener and I wondered why on earth no one had really created a fun wedding planning podcast? There are so many facets to planning a wedding. They can be big complicated beasts both financially and emotionally. I saw creating the podcast as excellent fodder and a nice alternative to stand-up comedy when we moved to London. One year on, I have listeners from all over the world.
The chick you hear on the podcast is really me, it’s my authentic voice with lots of wedding advice, funny anecdotes and swears.
How did you get into it?
I come from a TV and Radio production background and have performed stand up for the last 7 or so years, so it felt like a natural amalgamation of my skills and interest. I bought a microphone and set up a mini ‘studio’ in our flat. The great thing about recording audio is that no one sees you, so you can totally wear stretchy pants!
What does a typical episode involve?
I produce two, 30 minute shows per week. Monday is a themed episode, where I usually focus on one area of wedding planning or delve deep into an issue, so far in these eps I’ve covered everything from wedding photography to how to talk about money in your relationship. Thursday’s Q&A episodes are completely driven by my audience. I love hearing from my listeners and they have provided me with a wealth of topics to discuss in these shows.
Who should listen to your podcasts?
Anyone planning a wedding.
Too broad?
A lot of my audience are what I describe as bridechillas (& groomchillas). They want a fun and fuss free wedding planning experience. They don’t bow down to bullshit and want value for money no matter but their budget is. If you like a laugh, aren’t afraid of Australian colloquialisms and want to snap up some savvy wedding advice, then I reckon my wedding podcast is a good fit for you.
What do you enjoy most about your job
Connecting with my audience. Hearing that my podcast is ‘saving their sanity’ and giving them some respite from personal dramas. I have become an unintentional ‘virtual bridesmaid’…I bloody love that!
It’s pretty tops hearing that a bride has been listening (and asking me questions for the show) since she got engaged and then sends me their wedding photos, I mean how lovely is that!? I feel really connected to them all.
Where can we expect from you in the future?
I am writing my next book. It will be an extension of the podcast, looking at all of the areas outside of the practical ‘this is how you plan a wedding’ sort of vibe
What's your top tip for brides?
Ditch the ‘obligation guests’. Seriously, you shouldn’t have anyone there who you don’t know or have to pretend to be happy to see. It’s absolutely your day, so own it and do what you want to do. Life is too short for obligation. As 70s light rock band, The Eagles said (jeepers, who am I? My Dad!?)…just take it easy.
Use the links below to subscribe to Aleisha's podcast - it's FREE! And here's the website!
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