Inspire Me: PANTONE colour(s) of the year 2016

PANTONE have released their colour of year for 2016, and for the first time ever it's actually 2! Here's what Pantone has to say about the choice...
'As consumers seek mindfulness and well-being as an antidote to the stress of modern day lives, welcoming colors that psychologically fulfill the yearning for reassurance and security are becoming more prominent. Weightless and airy, like the expanse of the blue sky above us, Serenity comforts with a calming effect, bringing feelings of respite and relaxation even in turbulent times. Rose Quartz is a persuasive yet gentle tone that conveys compassion and a sense of composure.'
And it seems that it's not just us who have a bit of a thing for Pantone's latest colour additions. Check out this BEAUTIFUL selection of EMMY London shoes that would fit right in at a Rose Quartz, Serenity wedding...
Leila, in blush and vapour, £495
Delfine £495
You can check out the whole collection here.
Awesome new discovery, Brooklyn Bridal (HOW did I not know about these guys?!) have also hopped on the theme with these super cute accessories...
So, what do you think? Will Rose Quartz and Serenity be making an appearance at your big day? Comment below and let us know!