Can Tarot Cards Predict Marriage?

Tarot cards have been giving guidance and tips for the future for ages, especially in terms of big life decisions. Marriage is one of these decisions. It’s the type of event that will have a serious impact on your life, so you obviously want to know as much as possible about it.
Now, can tarot cards predict marriage? Tarot cards can offer guidance regardless of what you need help with. But then, it’s not all about reading cards or looking at their meanings. They can give you some hints about your future, but only the future that you work on.
There are countless small decisions that can change everything. A good reading does provide a bit of sense, but it can be pretty vague. For example, you won’t find out what you’ll have for dinner tonight or whether or not you’ll win the lottery.
How tarot cards predict marriage
Tarot cards can be helpful in predicting certain things, depending on who's interpreting them, what your concerns are, and how the interpretation is made.
From this point of view, it’s highly recommended to rely on an advisor with experience, as well as numerous positive reviews. The more professional a reader is, the more sense your reading will make, so it will obviously be more accurate.
Cards aren’t always interpreted by themselves. Instead, based on the draw, they must be interpreted along with other cards. Each card has a particular meaning, and more importantly, they tend to influence each other.
Particular cards can give you a few insights into your love life. You can learn more about where you’ve been, not to mention the present and even the future. Some of the highlights could include a toxic relationship, the wrong relationship, a partner who loves more, or even marriage.
This kind of guidance can help people make more informed decisions regarding their situations. Love can be blind, and things are often more obvious from the outside. That’s exactly what tarot cards are aiming to tell you.
There are a bunch of cards out there that could underline marriage, but then, it depends on how they’re interpreted. A reading could tell you something in particular, but if you make a few decisions based on it, the next one could reveal something else.
Also, each card has at least two meanings, so it depends on the direction it’s facing.
Cards that could predict marriage in your future
The Lovers is part of Major Arcana and defines two lovers protected by an angel. It’s a love card, but it could also underline a lack of love. When shown upright, it’s all about harmony and perfection. When displayed in reverse, it defines disharmony.
The Fool is also part of Major Arcana and often refers to naivety and innocence. When placed upright, the card refers to a new beginning. Marriage is the beginning of a new life, so it could be seen that way. When displayed in reverse, it relates to recklessness. Even if there’s a marriage, it won’t be successful.
The Hierophant can be interpreted as marriage if you want traditional love. It means sticking to what’s traditional. If you’re in a relationship right now, keep it, rather than trying to find something new. When shown in reverse, it defines a new relationship, so it’s not necessarily about marriage.
Two of Cups is excellent to see if you want to get married. It’s a card about unity and connection, especially when shown upright. It goes in the opposite direction if shown in reverse. It could be about tension or perhaps imbalance. It won’t lead to marriage, though.
Nine of Cups in an upright position shows stability and happiness. You will go through ups and downs, but you'll end up on the positive side. Again, shown in reverse, it goes in the opposite way and means you’ll be unhappy with your partner or in the current relationship.
Ten of Cups means that your dreams are likely to become a reality, especially if shown upright. If you're in a relationship, chances are it will lead to marriage. Shown in reverse, it often underlines a broken family. If you’re not married yet, the current relationship won’t necessarily get you there.
Queen of Cups is about compassion and comfort. It’s a calm card that shows your comfort in the current relationship. You and your partner are on the same page. In reverse, the card means you're insecure, and dependency is a real problem in your relationship, which isn't good news.
King of Cups suggests compassion and balance, meaning you’re in full control of your beautiful emotions. If marriage is your goal, this card is a good sign in an upright position. When in reverse, it means you'll get negative advice, and you won't have full control over what's going on.
Ace of Cups is for strong people. You're in control, and you know your feelings are right. Your intuition is perfect if you see it upright. If you’re about to get married, you’re on the right path. In reverse, it underlines emotional loss, which is bad in a relationship.
Finally, Three of Pentacles is part of Minor Arcana and depicts a top-notch collaboration. It’s about teamwork, which is mandatory for a healthy marriage. It could also depict conflicts if shown in reverse. In other words, your marriage won’t go the right way, so you may want to reconsider your choices.
As a final conclusion, these are only the basic meanings of the most popular tarot cards that could indicate marriage in the future. The problem is while they do have positive meanings, they can also underline bad things in one’s relationship.
More importantly, these interpretations could vary widely based on the spread your psychic reader uses, not to mention the other cards coming out at the same time.
A card’s meaning could change to 180 degrees if another one influences it, so it’s critical to rely on someone with experience, someone who can see beyond the basic interpretations.