Active Stags - The 2015 bucket List

Earlier in the year we did a new year’s resolution piece on our StagWeb blog and whilst that’s too far back to mention now … all resolutions to become better men have predictably been broken which while depressing is not the end of our appetite for change as we also put down a suggestion of recommended Bucket List Activities you should consider this year if you haven’t done them yet.
Bubble Football
Most of you will know about this already and if you don’t YouTube it and it’ll make sense pretty quickly, thrills, spills and a lot of latex. It’s a lot of fun and puts a new spin on the beautiful game, plus you get to muller the bestman (not recommended) if he’s made a shocker of organising the weekend.

Hit Record
Yes you X Factor / Voice hopefuls why not get together and murder a track that you can keep forever. And no, before you ask, it isn’t just for girls. You guys will be laying down a bonding anthem that you can release at every social opportunity to the annoyance of others, especially at the wedding … Hang on … brainwave … “Especially For You”, a la Jason Donovan for the bride and groom’s first dance. Result! You could even make up your own lyrics to a classic and use it as a team song!
Laser Warfare
Done paintball? Why not give this a go? Same idea just without the pelting and ear shots of your pain inflicting, redneck mates.
Don’t worry it’s not olive or Turkish oil wrestling, but actual old school Big Daddy style wrestling. You can get trained by pros and then hit the mat with a few moves, possibly even culminating in a group tag match. You could even come up with your own wrestler names!

Horse Racing
Always a great group event, if you haven’t been lately treat yourselves, especially if you can get to one of the classics in the UK or Ireland. Stag do or not it’s a great day out. And if you time it right you might find the course outing on some decent entertainment aswell.

Bushcraft Survival
Get back to nature and then celebrate your manliness in a deserving ritual session. It’s a leveller you’ll remember forever. In particular we advocate a weekend spent a la the Bear (Grylls).
High Ropes
Get up into the air and take a different view. It’s easy to set up and a great addition to a stag weekend, and can be hilarious if the lads are feeling a little “ropey”. (apologies for that one)
Bungee Jumping
Because if you haven’t gone yet you need to, make this the year. Just add it in to any stag itinerary to give it a little extra pull!
Whitewater rafting
Simply because there are few sensations like it and you can do something amazing with your besties, (deliverance sound track optional). It’s a rare experience and if the weather’s good and the water’s right it’s a pretty darn special activity. You can do it throughout the UK but keep in mind that some set ups are better than others, and there are a few places in Europe worth the trip.

If there’s a simpler, cooler, more accessible activity in the world then I don’t know it and if you haven’t tried it yet why not give it a go this year? Just head to the coast and get your surf on dude. Sure it’s an acquired skill but you could be pulling off your best Point Break impression by the end of your first session. We set up loads of surfing weekends and it’s a blast. Personally I wish I’d tried it sooner.
Drive a Supercar
Oh yeah.
And lastly ... Wing Walking – ok we’d go with a heavy slice of unlikely with this one but still if you want to push the envelope. Luckily you have to be under 170 lbs (12.2 stone) which counts this fatboy out.
So there are a few ideas to get you started and if you fancy any just drop us a line, we’ll help you set them up. But even if you don’t you should definitely start filling your bucket with things you want to do and start knocking them off the list. Let’s enjoy ourselves a little!
Have a great Spring!