10 Songs For Walking Down The Aisle (NOT to here comes the bride)

It's your big moment, the exciting entrance, the steps that lead you to your future spouse, and what better way to celebrate this than with a beautiful piece of music. This post focuses on the more classical pieces of music from various eras, reason being that if you choose to have a modern song, you probably already know which one you want. If you're fancying something a touch more traditional and classical, you might appreciate a helping hand... p.s. you will NOT find "here comes the bride" or Pachelbel's Canon here. Let's use our imagination team! p.p.s. You can find a whole bunch of super talented musicians who could play these beautiful pieces here... 1. I Giorni (Ludovico)
2. Rigaudon (Andre Campra)
3. Water Music (Handel)
4. The Vow (Jeremy Lubbock)
5. To A Wild Rose (Edward MacDowell)
6. Dona Nobis Pacem (trad.)
7. Ave Maria (Schubert)
8. Trumpet Tune (Purcell)
9. Air on the G String (Bach)
10. Trumpet Voluntary (Jeremiah Clarke)