40 Of The Best Mr & Mrs Questions For Your Upcoming Hen Party

A game format loved by many, a round of Mr and Mrs at a hen party is guaranteed to get everyone laughing.
You’ll need to get the groom to give his answers either written down or in a video prior to the hen do, so you can easily reveal their answer there and then!
We’ve started with 40 questions to ask but feel free to add in some freestyle questions that are specific to your friend to really ramp up the fun.
If you’re not familiar with the game, the rules are as follows:
Each partner is asked the question, the groom prior to the hen do and the bride there and then.
Once the bride has given her answer (sometimes written on a whiteboard), the organiser of the game can then reveal the groom’s answer.
For every matching answer, the bride gets a point! For every wrong answer, you could either challenge the bride to do a shot or take a sip of drink, or if they’re not a big drinker they can pop on a fancy dress item each time.
So without further ado, here are the questions…
1. Who is the most organised?
2. Who always wins the argument?
3. Who’s the funniest?
4. Who’s got the most common sense?
5. Who’s the laziest?
6. Who’s the better dancer?
7. What celebrity do they think they most look like?
8. Which celebrity do they think you most look like?
9. What is their guilty pleasure?
10. What’s the best present they’ve given you?
11. What are their worst habits?
12. What would they say are your worst habits?
13. What did they say when they proposed?
14. Who is their celebrity crush?
15. What’s one thing they couldn’t live without?
16. Who’s the better cook?
17. Are they a boob or a bum person?
18. Who’s your partners ‘hall pass’ person?
19. Where was your first kiss together?
20. What do they do first thing in the morning?
21. Who asked out who and how?
22. Where was your first date?
23. When was the first ‘I love you’?
24. What was their first pet’s name?
25. What colour eyes do they have?
26. What pet names do you have for each other?
27. How many children do they want?
28. What perfume or aftershave do they wear?
29. What’s their go-to alcoholic drink of choice?
30. What is their favourite body part of yours?
31. What’s their favourite film?
32. What’s their favourite restaurant?
33. What’s their favourite type of takeaway?
34. If you were to get a pet, what would it be and what would it be called?
35. What’s their favourite song?
36. What’s their favourite body part of yours?
37. Name all their aunts and uncles
38. If they could live anywhere apart from the UK, where would it be?
39. What is their favourite holiday you’ve taken together?
40. What is their proudest moment?