3 Ways to Find Your Wedding Style / Theme

1. Brainstorm

To help find your wedding style, start by asking yourself a few questions and throw some words out there to get inspired. Queue the big notebook and pen and get scribbling…
Vintage, Rustic, Retro, Elegant, Fun, Party, Relaxed, Formal, Glamourous, Sparkle, Industrial, Modern, Colouful, Cosy...? Three words to sum up the mood…
What are your favourite colours?
What are the favourite places you've visited?
Big, medium or intimate?
What’s your favourite Season or time of year?
Where and when did you first meet/anniversary?
Indoors or Outdoors?
Home or Away?
Fancy some DIY?
Do you have a favourite Era?
Top Tip!
How about doing your lists separately first and then compare your answers? Hopefully you'll see some similarities in which you can build on and create your perfect wedding style together.
2. Pinterest

Oh Pinterest you beauty. An absolute feast of inspiration for every aspect of life but none more so than weddings! It's a fabulous place to collate all your ideas and inspiration in one place. Create different boards for the different aspects of your wedding. Yummy Cakes. Beautiful Dresses. Venue Ideas. Decoration and Flowers. The list goes on…
Top Tip
At the beginning it can be very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of inspiration and ideas, so much so you can feel as though you're planning 6 different weddings. You'll hopefully see similar images emerge and little details that keep cropping up and once you see them, run with it and you'll start to see a beautiful theme shine through.
3. Be inspired by YOU!

It's true that weddings are an extension of you as a couple, so your wedding style could be right underneath your noses, or maybe in the experiences you've shared together. Think about past holiday destinations, what you enjoy doing in your spare time, films and music tastes and even your home. Your home says a lot about you, the colours, the decor all the little knick naks, so take a little look around and you might get a spark of inspiration.
Top Tip
Don't be afraid about being different, or thinking you need to stick to 1 idea, it's your big day! If you fancy an outdoor, vintage tea party with a rock and roll band inspired by the colours of your favourite holiday destination... go for it! Weddings are a celebration you as a couple, and even if you find it hard to find your 'theme' and don't worry, you'll naturally create your own - A perfect mix of everything you love and your personalities will shine through!
Banner and first image courtesy of larahotz.com