10 Wedding Day Hacks you Should Know

By now you've probably read endless numbers of wedding magazine articles and blog posts filled with so many different ideas that it's all become a little mind-boggling. So to help you out and cut to the chase, here’s Cheers Events London’s take on some useful wedding hacks to help glue your wedding day together in one happy wedding ball of love.
The hangover kit
1) One of our favourite suggestions for couples! (Because your sober wedding day self, will thank you drunk wedding day self, as will your guests!) Traditional favours are awesome but your guests will love this TLC package. This can include things like:
• Plasters for blistered feet
• Eye drops for the dark morning rings
• Vitamins
• Small bottle of water etc.
p.s. don’t forget to make one for you and you partner too!
Choose a wedding day hashtag #
2) Shouldn’t be a surprise that this is a thing, since we’re all on some type of social media. Creating a hashtag is an easy way to consolidate all the photos shared, across the various platforms. Make sure you share the hashtag with guests prior to the day (tip, add it to a save the date invite) keep it simple and make sure you double check it’s not in use already.
Image Source: The Wedding of My Dreams
Last minute guest list changes
3) Even the most orgainsed person can face challenges with an ever changing guest list. It’s difficult to predict but possible to resolve. Go over the seating plan again, a few days before to look for possible gaps to seat extras. Alert your caterer or your event planner as soon as possible.
Image Source: Pinterest
4) Create yourself a clear timeline plan. Know when your vendors are arriving and who will be the point of contact for them. An event planner is useful here, they can be the middle person liaising with 20+ people on your behalf. This will leave you free to focus on your hair and beauty goals
Put the flowers to good use
5) If you’re planning a flower heavy wedding, you may want to consider recycling the flowers, by having them tied into little bouquets and handed to guests as they leave.
Image Source: Hitched
Wedding only email account
6) Keep everything wedding completely separated and open up an email account for it. This way, you can be sure you won’t miss any important messages. It will also allow you to switch off when you need to. Tip, Get your guests to RSVP to this same wedding account.
Keep the kids entertained
7) If little guests are invited, you may want to consider hiring a professional entertainer, to keep the little ones amused during that weird twilight hour between the ceremony and dinner. It can be a long day for them and breaking it up this way, ensures the little guests are having fun too. On a budget? Think about a fun pack of colouring in.
Image Source: Evermine
Do it all in one space
8) Consider having the ceremony and reception all in one place. This will decrease costs on transport for guests. If it’s a hotel, you should think about blocking out rooms for your guests. Most will be happy to offer a group discounts.
Venue: The Ashes Barn
9) This applies for both DIY couples and couples using an event planner. Pinterest, visually helps you to create the theme/colour schemes for your day. Sharing your board with the planner, allows them to get a great insight into achieving the overall look. Event planners should be working side by side on the client’s vision and should welcome hearing all your ideas.
Don’t forget to enjoy
10) Finally, the most important element of the day is you and your SO and the promise you’re making to one another. It’s important you feel calm so don’t be afraid to delegate to your bridesmaid team/family/event planner and leave the phone off. A good wedding planner will have everything in control for you.
To book Cheers Events to help you plan your wedding, enquire for more details here.