Groomswear - Art Deco Themes

A boom in colour, geometric shapes, and ornamental luxury started this modern style, which even now in the 21st century still looks as modern today as it did when it came about.
Art Deco is a strong theme for a wedding; with the geometric shapes, this makes for a sleek and stylish décor, invite and colour scheme.

Fashion was at its most luxurious; heavy beaded dresses, lower and liberated cuts. Footloose and fancy free the Flapper style was born. Along side these glamorous gals were sophisticated gents looking classy! These fine fellows were always in a sharp suit, popular pinstripe and teamed with braces, Fedora and a pair of Oxford shoes.
As a wedding theme you could look at a geometric pattern, which could be a running theme and made into pocket squares and ties for the gents in the same colour as the bridesmaids dresses. It’s a simple but effective era to use throughout. Find that one image that inspires you and run with it.