Health & Beauty 23rd July 2024

Beyond the Gym: Creative Workouts to Get Fit for Your Wedding

With everything you need to think about when planning your big day, exercise may not feature as a priority for many couples, but who doesn’t want to look great and feel confident on their wedding day?

Exercising in the lead-up to your nuptials can really help to not only get you in shape but also help you de-stress and stay focused as you get everything in place. Creative workouts that are fun and interesting are more likely to motivate you than hitting the gym, to keep you on track for your fitness goals – here are a few ideas to inspire your next workout session.

Dive in to a Swim Workout

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that’s perfect if you’re new to working out and want to ease in slowly but still see great results. Swimming builds muscle and tones the body but it’s also a great cardio exercise that gets your heart pumping, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Whether you take part in an aqua-aerobics class or swim against a current in a swim spa pool for extra workout resistance, swimming is a fat-burning exercise that is hard to match.

Take to New Heights With Bouldering

For an engaging full-body workout that also challenges your mind, consider bouldering or indoor climbing which primarily focus on shorter, more intense climbing routes without ropes. Climbing engages nearly every muscle group, with a particular emphasis on your back, arms, and core. It also improves flexibility and balance as you navigate different routes. Many specialist gyms offer introductory classes to help you learn proper techniques and safety measures.

[Image source: Deposit photos]

Try Out Strength Training Alternatives

While traditional weightlifting can be effective for helping you tone up for your big day, it can be a little repetitive. Luckily, there are other ways to reap the rewards of strength training while keeping things interesting. One example is kettlebell workouts. These provide a versatile and dynamic way to build strength and improve cardiovascular fitness. The cannonball-shaped weights with handles allow for fluid, full-body movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Start with lighter weights to master proper form before progressing to heavier kettlebells.

Similarly, TRX, which stands for Total Resistance eXercise, uses adjustable straps and your body weight to create a challenging workout. TRX exercises engage your core constantly as you work to maintain balance, making it excellent for improving stability and overall strength. The versatility of TRX allows you to easily modify exercises to suit your fitness level, making it ideal for beginners and advanced users alike.

Tone up at Home With Pilates and Yoga

Skipping the gym doesn’t mean you need to skip the workout altogether – in fact, you can get a pretty effective workout from the comfort of your home. At-home workouts are, of course, very convenient and ideal if you’re strapped for time with work or family responsibilities, on top of the wedding planning.

YouTube is packed with free exercise videos to suit your preferences, but pilates and yoga workouts are particularly well-suited to at-home exercising because you don’t need a lot of space. All you need to do is simply roll out your yoga mat and get started. Plus, yoga offers the additional mental health benefits that can be advantageous if you’re feeling stressed about your upcoming big day.

Workout in a Group

Group workouts are ideal if you struggle to stay motivated, and they can be a wonderful way to expand your network and make new friends. From aerobics classes to signing up for Parkrun on a Saturday morning, or joining your local netball or football team, playing sport or working out as a group can be a fun way to burn extra calories and enjoy a bit of healthy competition. No matter what sort of sport you’re into, you’re guaranteed to find a local group or class you can take part in before your wedding, and hopefully long after too.

Showcase Your Rhythm Skills

Dancing offers an exciting and effective way to get in shape for your wedding while having fun – you could potentially even learn new skills you can showcase on your big day! Zumba, a high-energy Latin-inspired dance fitness programme, combines cardio with body-sculpting movements set to upbeat international music, and it’s a calorie-torching workout that helps coordination and boosts mood.

[Image source: Deposit photos]

For those seeking a more classical approach, ballet-inspired barre classes focus on toning and lengthening muscles through a series of small, precise movements. Barre is a low-impact workout that targets our common problem areas like arms, core, and thighs, helping you feel confident in your wedding attire.

Key Considerations When Creating an Exercise Programme

When creating a workout plan for your wedding day, there are several prime considerations to keep in mind:

Assess your current fitness level

Are you a seasoned gym-goer or more of a workout novice? Being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses will help you choose a fitness plan that is both challenging and achievable. There’s no benefit to diving into exercising five times a week if you’re completely new to exercising, because you’re unlikely to stay motivated.

Consult with a fitness professional

Whether you opt for a personal trainer at your local gym or an online fitness coach, these experts can provide personalised advice tailored to your fitness goals, timeline, and any special considerations, such as injuries or medical conditions. This will keep your workouts achievable and impactful, without you risking injury.

Ensure your regime works with your routine

You should also evaluate how much time you have to work out, whether you are a busy professional with limited free time or you have a more flexible daily routine. Choosing a regime that fits seamlessly into your life is crucial for ensuring long-term success and achieving your fitness goals before your special day.

Whether you exercise alone, as part of a group or with your partner, there are so many benefits to factoring exercise into your wedding planning, not just for your appearance but also for your mental health. Aiming to be wedding fit may not only prepare you for your big day but also lay the foundation for healthy, active married life.