Love at First Sight - Will the Groom Fall for Your Dress?

Talk it out
While discussing other aspects of your wedding with your groom it is an idea to make it clear to them that whilst you want to surprise them - you also don’t want to horrify them with your choice of dress. Talk about what they definitely don’t like (they might well have the same taste and outlook on wedding dresses as you, considering you are compatible enough to be marrying in the first place). There are so many different styles of dress out there so even if your groom lets you know what they don’t like there will still be lots of options left and still be a complete surprise to him on the day.

A great plan can be involving your groom in a scrapbook of wedding dresses. Share looking through a few wedding magazines over a bottle of wine one evening and cut out any dresses that your groom remarks that he really likes. You’ll find it reassuring to get feedback in this way and it will leave you with images of quite a few dresses so he still won’t know exactly which style you are opting for but you’ll know for sure when you start trying dresses on if they will be his cup of tea as well as yours.

Joint Shopping Trip
To get really good input from your other half, spend a morning wedding dress shopping with them. This may involve just window shopping around a few stores in your area or going together for an appointment where you can try lots of dresses in front of them. At least that way you’ll get an honest opinion of styles they love, and you don’t have to tell them as the months go by which type you went for. And even if you settle for a dress they have seen you in remember that it will look completely different when you have had your hair and make up done for the big day and a really pleasant surprise for them when they turn round and see you walking down the aisle in a gown they recommended.
The Big Picture
If you don’t think a joint trip to a wedding store is for you, you can do the next best thing ; take pictures of every dress you try on and show the groom. Whilst some brides would baulk at this it’s really a great way to get their opinion as there will be lots they love (and maybe a few they hate). But it means you won’t make the mistake of picking a dress that they would truly loathe, and because they are bound to like more than one they still won’t know which you are planning to opt for and thus still a surprise on the day.

Rely on Backup
If you don’t want to broach the subject of your dress directly with your groom, it’s an idea to take the advice of those close to him who will know him best. Consider showing your short list to his best man, parents or your own girlfriends who have known him the longest. It’s fair to say that those closest to your other half will have a good idea of his tastes and dislikes (he may have even discussed with them his most hated wedding styles and what he hopes you will not turn up wearing!). Getting their advice will give you the peace of mind that you are making the right choice.
Go the Whole Hog?
Although this route is definitely not for everyone, we have seen a rise in grooms coming with brides to our showroom to help them choose and be in full knowledge of the dress for the big day. These brides always have the attitude that although it’s not going to be a surprise they are happy and relieved to have their groom help them choose and be safe in the knowledge that they will be wearing their absolute favourite.
Whichever way you go about picking your dress - make sure that you love your dress - there is nothing more important than a bride feeling comfortable that her dress reflects her character on their big day.But it’s also a concern that you choose a dress that your other half will not out and out hate, so keep this in mind too.With so many choices out there (literally thousands of dresses and bespoke options) there has to be one perfect dress that both of you will love.Good luck using these tips to find the right one…