Honeymoon Packing – Tips from our expert

What to take on your honeymoon is almost as difficult a question as where to go. The truth is, like most things, is to keep it simple! That said, there is something lovely and exciting about a new outfit or ensemble, it’s your honeymoon after all - and if you can’t spoil yourself and feel gorgeous on your honeymoon… when can you be!? Here are our top ten tips on what to pack.
1. For most honeymoons – Bikini’s/swimming trunks, or your chosen swimwear is a vital element in the packing process…girls, make sure you think through the all-important strap lines and boys – definitely go for a garish colour or floral patterns, the perfect accompaniment to that honeymoon tan!
2. We advise gentlemen to travel in some form of jacket. Not necessarily a very formal one, but useful for carrying wallets and tickets and smart enough to try for that upgrade at the airport which a hoody would simply cancel out! Unless you want to take one, there should be no need for a tie – leave work at home and undo that top button!
3. A good camera is imperative to catch those romantic moments, stunning sunsets and magical memories which are so easily forgotten when you get home. If you are into your photography and going on safari, it’s well worth ensuring you have good telescopic lens and a high resolution camera to capture nature at its very best. Some of the lodges do provide cameras, so check with your consultant before buying a brand new one!
4. Here at Turquoise we are great believers in squishy bags rather than hard the shelled suitcases. Although the later have advantages in security and sometimes capacity, the flexibility and weight saving (generally) of a soft bag make them the ideal travelling companion. However, whatever your choice of luggage, please ensure you check weight limits on both international and domestic flights – they can differ and airport staff are not easy nuts to crack, even when on honeymoon!
5. A good book, Kindle or some form of reading matter is a must. Although it’s your honeymoon and the main activity is spending time together, the privilege of having time to read a book in our busy lives is limited and if ever delayed a good book is a great way to kill some time.
6. Potions, lotions, sunscreens and after suns are notoriously expensive in resorts so girls… visit boots before you leave to save some pennies. Choose a factor higher than you would normally if travelling to a tropical country and take and one which has as few as possible additives - certainly not one that is perfumed as you may find the local insect life loves the smell.
7. Talking about insects…although many resorts do their best to control mosquito numbers…a good repellent is a must for those romantic starlit evenings or walks along the beach at sunset. Ankles are a target for ladies in dresses and men in shorts!
8. On safari – although the myth is to wear the complete safari collection, there is no specific ‘dress code’ to stick to… natural greens and browns are the most camouflaged but being comfortable and warm/cool (weather dependant) is the most important thing as well as comfortable footwear.
9. You’ve got to have one killer outfit…whether it’s the one you leave the reception in to get to the airport or the new shirt/maxi dress for the push the boat out dinner on a sandbank island…you deserve to look a million dollars! New underwear for boys and girls also a recommendation…!
10. Finally…if you are planning a multi-centre honeymoon, our initial advice would be not to pack too much in…In our opinion there is nothing more unromantic than packing and unpacking every other day. However, if you are visiting a lot of different places within a short time frame, please make sure your luggage is light and easy to pack. The most used items need to be easy access!